
Jual Radio HF SSB ICOM IC 7300

New technology is changing the way receivers are being designed and the IC-7300 is an industry first as an RF, Direct Sampling System is being used in an entry level HF radio. The ability to digitize RF before various receiver stages reduces the inherent noise that is generated in the different IF stages of a radio. We feel the performance of the ‘7300 will far exceed your expectations for a radio considered entry level.

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Radio HF SSB ICOM IC 7300 merupakan teknologi baru mengubah cara penerima dirancang untuk Sistem Pengambilan Sampel Langsung digunakan dalam radio HF entry level. Kemampuan untuk mendigitalkan RF sebelum berbagai tahap penerima mengurangi noise bawaan yang dihasilkan dalam berbagai tahapan IF radio. Kami merasa kinerja ‘7300 akan jauh melebihi harapan Anda untuk level entri radio.

Daya Output: 100W (25W AM)
Frekuensi RX: 0.030-74.800
Tipe Receiver: Direct sampling

ICOM IC 7300 IC-7300 menggunakan sistem pengambilan sampel langsung RF, di mana sinyal RF langsung dikonversi ke data digital. Kemudian diproses dalam FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array), sehingga memungkinkan untuk menyederhanakan konstruksi rangkaian serta mengurangi kebisingan yang dapat menutupi sinyal lemah. “IP +” baru meningkatkan kinerja titik intersep urutan ketiga (IP3) meningkatkan kemampuan untuk menyalin sinyal lemah yang berdekatan dengan sinyal interferensi kuat. Dalam proses ini, konverter A / D dioptimalkan untuk mengurangi atau menghilangkan distorsi sinyal.

Specifikasi Radio HF SSB ICOM IC 7300


Frequency coverage RX TX 0.030–74.800** 1.800–1.999, 3.500–3.999, 5.255–5.405*, 7.000–7.300, 10.100–10.150, 14.000–14.350, 18.068–18.168, 21.000–21.450, 24.890–24.990, 28.000–29.700, 50.000–54.000 * Some frequency bands are not guaranteed. ** Guaranteed range: 0.500–29.999, 50.000–54.000MHz.
Number of channels 101 (99 regular, 2 scan edges)
Antenna connector SO-239 (50Ω)
Power supply requirement 13.8V DC ±15%
Power Consumption Tx: 21A (at 100W output power) Rx: 0.9A typical (Standby), 1.25A (Maximum audio)
Operating temperature range –10˚C to +60˚C; 14˚F to 140˚F
Frequency stability Less than ±0.5ppm (–10˚C to +60˚C; 14˚F to 140˚F)
Frequency resolution 1Hz
Dimensions 240×94×238mm; 9.45×3.7×9.37in (projections not included)
Weight (approximately) 4.2kg; 9.26 lb


Output power (HF/50MHz) SSB/CW/FM/RTTY: 2–100W, AM: 1–25W
Modulation system SSB AM FM Digital P.S.N. modulation Digital Low power modulation Digital Reactance modulation
Spurious emission Less than –50dB (HF bands), Less than –63dB (50MHz band)
Carrier suppression More than 50dB
Unwanted sideband More than 50dB
Microphone impedance 600Ω


Receiver system Direct Sampling
Intermediate frequency 36kHz
Sensitivity* SSB/CW (at 10dB S/N) 0.5–1.8MHz 1.8–29.995MHz 28.0–29.7MHz 50MHz band AM (at 10dB S/N) 0.5–1.8MHz 1.8–29.995MHz 28.0–29.7MHz 50MHz band FM (at 12dB SINAD) 0.5–1.8MHz 1.8–29.995MHz 28.0–29.7MHz 50MHz band – 0.16μV – 0.13μV 12.6μV 2.0μV – 1.0μV – – 0.5μV 0.25μV * HF: Preamp 1 ON, 50MHz: Preamp 2 ON
Squelch sensitivity* (Threshold) SSB: Less than 5.6μV, FM: Less than 0.3μV * HF: Preamp 1 ON, 50MHz: Preamp 2 ON
Selectivity (sharp filter shape) SSB (BW: 2.4KHz) CW (BW: 500Hz) RTTY (BW: 500Hz) AM (BW: 6kHz) FM (BW: 15kHz) More than 2.4kHz/–6dB Less than 3.4kHz/–40dB More than 500Hz/–6dB Less than 700Hz/–40dB More than 500Hz/–6dB Less than 800Hz/–40dB More than 6.0kHz/–6dB Less than 10kHz/–40dB More than 12.0kHz/–6dB Less than 22kHz/–40dB
Spurious and image rejection ratio HF: More than 70dB 50MHz: More than 70dB (Except for ADC Aliasing)
Audio output power More than 2.5W (at 10% distortion with an 8Ω load, 1kHz)


Frequency range 1.9–50MHz bands
Matching impedance range 16.7Ω–150Ω unbalanced (VSWR better than 1: 3)
Tuning accuracy VSWR 1: 1.5 or less
Tuning time 2–3 seconds (Maximum 15 seconds)